Dr Wendi Bailey

Wendi Bailey is a medical scientist who worked in the School from 1966 to 1972 as a Research Technician under Professor Brian Maegraith. After working in London from 1972-74, she returned to the School as leader of the Diagnostic Laboratory, and in the 1980s worked extensively on the problem of an effective sensitive and specific serological test for Strongyloides infection. Under the supervision and encouragement of Dion Bell, she earned an MSc in 1988, for this work and the serological “ELISA” (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) test was published in 1989. This became the “gold standard” test for strongyloidiasis in FEPOWs. Wendi went on to gain her PhD in 1995. She has travelled extensively to the tropics and ran the Clinical Diagnostic Parasitology Laboratory at LSTM until her retirement.